Making decision to go right or left with Binary Search.

This post will be discussing approaches to certain problems which strictly teaches binary search.

I will not be presenting any solutions just discussing the approaches.

Single Element in Sorted Array


You are given a sorted array consisting of only integers where every element appears exactly twice, except for one element which appears exactly once.

Return the single element that appears only once.

Your solution must run in O(log n) time and O(1) space.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,1,2,3,3,4,4,8,8] Output: 2

Example 2:

Input: nums = [3,3,7,7,10,11,11] Output: 10

Now, Considering Example 1

nums = [1,1,2,3,3,4,4,8,8]

Middle = 4th Index i.e nums[4] = 3

Task 1

Now, sitting at 4th index, I have to make a decision to either go right or left. First, I have to check whether the element I am at is the unique element or not.

I do this by comparing it with its neighbours i.e (middle-1) and (middle+1).

If middle element’s value matches with (middle-1) that means I am at the second occurrence of this element, and it is not unique


If middle element’s value matches with (middle+1) that means I am at the first occurrence of this element, and it is not unique.

If (neither of the above is true) then
    the middle element is the unique element and I return its index.

If(nums[3] == nums[4] || nums[4] == nums[5]) then

The first expression evaluates to true, Where do I go now?

Is the unique element on the right side or left side?

Usually this decision is made by comparison, but here with comparison I only got the info whether it is unique or not. I did not get the info to move in which direction.

In Binary search comparison gives two things

  1. Evaluates to something (It is, or It is not)
  2. Gives a direction to move (Right or left)

It is given that the :

Array is sorted and there is one unique element. Every element occurs twice.

Now, Considering that the

Array is sorted and there are no unique elements. Every element occurs twice.

In that case the arrays would be like this

nums = [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,8,8]

In this scenario every first occurrence of every unique element is at an odd position and every second occurrence of every unique element is at even position.

[If considering 0 based index then do +1]

Now if I remove xth element (x < nums.size()) the elements of the array before the xth position still follows the above principle, but the principle is disrupted for elements after that position.

Since we are using 0 based index for computation we have to consider its index + 1 to know whether it is at odd position or even.

For ex: If I remove 4th index

nums = [1,1,2,2,3,4,4,8,8]

Brackets denote position index

The elements before that [1(1),1(2),2(3)]

The elements after that [3(4), 3(5), 4(6), 4(7), 8(8), 8(9)]

So this information will help me decide which direction to move in.

If I am at the middle element, and it is the first occurrence and the position (Should be odd) is not odd, which means

Disruption happened before middle element and therefore unique element lies to the left.

Else move right, the unique element has not occurred yet.

If I am at the middle element, and it is the second occurrence and the position (Should be even) is not even, which means

Disruption happened before middle element and therefore unique element lies to the left.

Else move right, the unique element has not occurred yet.

Similarily for this example:
nums = [1,1,2,3,3,4,4,8,8]

middle = 4th index
middle Element = nums[4] = 3, which is the second occurrence
(4 + 1 = 5, Remember +1 for 0 based index) and is not at
even position therefore disruption happened before this index.
So we will move left

low = 0, high = 3
middle = 1
middle Element = nums[1] = 1, which is the second occurence
and is at even position.
We know disruption has not happened yet
So unique element is to the right

low = 2, high = 3
middle = 3
middle Element = nums[3] = 3, which is the first occurence
and is not at odd position therefore we move left.

low = 2, high =2
low==high, So we are at the middle most element.
This can even be confirmed by comparing with (middle-1)
if it is not out of array or with (middle+1)
if it is not out of array.
But in worst case we will be able to compare with neither of the one.

The above applies only when question says that unique element is there]

If the question says there might be an unique element and if it is there is only 1 then we have to compare for low==high also because there is a possibility for not existing in which the answer would be -1;