Input: n

Each Output String Length: 2 * n


The initial approach is to recognize that at every position in the resulting string, there are two possible characters: '(' or ')'. However, both options come with constraints:


  1. Number of Opening Brackets (ob):

    • The maximum number of opening brackets in the result is n.
    • An opening bracket can only be inserted if its count is less than n and the count of opening brackets is greater than or equal to the count of closing brackets.
  2. Number of Closing Brackets (cb):

    • The maximum number of closing brackets in the result is n.
    • A closing bracket can only be inserted if its count is less than n and is less than the count of opening brackets.
    • Note: When the closing bracket count equals the opening bracket count, a closing bracket cannot be inserted.

Code Logic:

if (op < n && op >= cb) {
    str[pos] = '(';
if (cb < n && cb < op) {
    str[pos] = ')';

For each case, we recursively call the Generate Parentheses (GP) function, incrementing the position pointer by 1.

if (op < n && op >= cb) {
    str[pos] = '(';
    GP(n, str, pos+1, ob+1, cb);
if (cb < n && cb < op) {
    str[pos] = ')';
    GP(n, str, pos+1, ob, cb+1);

What about base condition?

When the position (pos) is equal to 2 * n, it indicates that all positions from 0 to (2 * n - 1) have been filled, and the generated string can be added to the result.

Note: The result is a vector of strings that will store all valid permutations.

if(pos==2*n) results.push_back(str);
if(op < n && op >= cb){
    str[pos] = '(';
    GP(n, str, pos+1, ob+1, cb);
if(cb < n && cb < op){
    str[pos] = ')';
    GP(n, str, pos+1, ob, cb+1);

Final Code

void GP(vector<string> &result, string &str, int n, int pos, int ob, int cb) {
    if (pos >= 2 * n) result.push_back(str);
    if (ob < n && ob >= cb) {
        str[pos] = '(';
        GP(result, str, n, pos+1, ob+1, cb);
    if (cb < n && cb < ob) {
        str[pos] = ')';
        GP(result, str, n, pos+1, ob, cb + 1);

// Initial call
vector<string> result;
string str(2 * n, '0');
GP(result, str, n, 0, 0, 0);